ADS CO-Op 972-800-6670

We launched our business 10 years ago, with Prescription Sunglasses and Prescription Goggles as the main focus of our business - with ZERO visitors. Selling Advertising Memberships and creating vendor deals with top brands like Oakley, Kaenon, Nike and 20 others, we have created a digital ecosystem with over 5.8 million page views a month while still focusing on our core products. At the same time we have leveraged that technology and success and launched the LIFESTYLE and SERVICE divisions, to continue providing 5-star service for our current customers, while sharing the tools, technology and tricks with other entrepreneurs. In the spirit of our core business we call this GOGGLE ADVERTISING.


The "Rising Tide Lifts All Boats" concept can be hard for some business owners to buy into, since we all want to be at the top. However, none of us will be able to compete with the large platforms unless we are a platform, or are working in conjunction with one. We all need to understand that we are stronger together than we are on our own.

Websites are not enough

If you leverage the 3.5 billion searches a day by pay per click (i.e. Google Ads) or Organic Search on Yahoo, Bing, MSN, DuckDuckGO or Google you have already experienced the PLATFORM EFFECT. The platforms are already claiming many of the top spots, and if you want to compete you will either be paying to be on a platform, owning the platform, or join the future: the PLATFORM OF PLATFORMS (POP).

Platform of platforms

The future of the web is platforms, so how would you beat a platform? Join a platform of platforms, leveraging the success of hundreds of successful website owners that are building the largest platform on the web.

Goggle Advertising Case Studies

We are fortunate to get over 5.8 million pages views a month thanks to GOGGLE ADVERTISING and the #ARTLAB concept. We are happy to share all of the steps it took to get here, as well as join along side other successful business owners to create a more powerful platform together than we could ever build alone. Partnering with other tech companies like Incline Media, The 4, and Siimpler, we are building the LIGHT WEB – a safer and a premium digital experience.



  • Hired 5 more attorneys
  • 2 Fortune 500 clients
  • Hundereds of clients
  • 1 Year Support


Biotech firm

  • 150+ leads a day
  • $30k/mo increase
  • Global reach
  • Lowered CPA by 222%


Real Estate

  • 800% increase in traffic
  • Double inbox leads
  • 10x ROI
  • Dropped everything else


3.5 Billion searches a day happen on the top search engine, with less than 10% clicking on the paid ads. People have “ad blindness,” and 9 out of 10 times scroll right past Google Ads, heading straight to the organic results. That’s where we get all our traffic, and you should too since the intent is so high. Unlike Facebook Advertising, or other display (outbound) advertising, these clicks are people actually having a problem or question, going to a search engine and typing in your product, looking for a trusted authority. That authority is you, if you are found on the first page. Our sunglass and goggles business have over 3000 first page listings, and you can too! We would be happy to help you leverage the Siimpler technology and #ARTLAB mentality.

We have found click fraud is higher in industries or verticals that have over $1.00 cost per click average. So if you are under $1.00, you have less likelihood of being duped, since spammers tend to go for the big dollar clicks. Also, if you are able to convert PPC even with high click fraud – and still come in under your cost per acquisition budget – then ppc is probably a good thing to keep doing.

Organic leads go directly to your website or platform and are exclusively yours. These leads are not shared or resold. You will also have the opportunity to create a revenue stream off the leads that you can’t work or that are out of your area if you leverage the Platform of Platforms model.

We can not make any claims or promises, however we can share that one of our members has added $30,000/month in SaaS sales by leveraging Siimpler, The4 and Incline Media along with the platform concept.

It should only help any digital marketing you are doing. We have a very authoritative platform, and it will only help your core website grow. Think of it as free SEO! Higher organic ranking of your site in the search engines is a byproduct of Goggle Advertising.

Goggle ADS along with the platform concept are the future of the web. We predict by 2025 you will either be a platform owner or paying a platform to be found on the top 20 positions of Google, the only thing that can make you as much money is saving money, which if your not working with a Click Fraud Reduction Expert you better call 972-800-6670 today!

What do goggle ads clients have to say

"I have had to add a 2nd doctor to my practice since I joined."
Dr. Chris
"My inbox leads have doubled."
Hall Read
Real Estate Agent
"I have had to add more staff to keep up with my increase."
Quintin Angus
Israel lawyer
"I am generating over 150 client referrals a day and have added over $30,000 a month in subscription fees thats to this process."
Jeff CLine
The Power of Organic Edge Optimization by Siimpler and ADS


Analytics of local business leveraging Edge Technology and Siimpler Services to not only explode the local market in Texas, but leverage the “platform as a service” model, providing high-quality intent based clients to the competition nation-wide. 

Top Selling Products Thanks to Goggle ADS Edge Optimization



Oakley PRIZM Flight Deck Ski Goggles

Price : $170.00
Nasal Height: 75


Oakley A-Frame 2.0 Ski Goggles

Price : $160.00
Nasal Height: 72



Oakley Airbrake XL Ski Goggles

Price : $240.00
Nasal Height: 69


Oakley O-Frame 2.0 XL Ski Goggles

Price : $70.00
Nasal Height: 71

Oakley Ski Goggles for Children or Small Adults


Oakley XS O-Frame Kids Ski Goggles

Price : $35.00
Nasal Height: 60

If you would like to advertise your goggles, or prescription ski goggles in our ads please call 972-800-6670.

Why wait? 
Goggle Advertising Customized for your industry!

Why wait? Join the Siimpler movement and leverage the same edge platform of platforms technology proven to work for over 10 years.


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